
Friday, March 17, 2006

Feedback, Feedback, bloody Feedback!!

Is it too much to ask for a little feedback on websites? In the last fortnight I have had the misfortune of having to use a contact form on a website in order to get support for a couple of issues I have had.

The two websites, T-Mobile and Webfusion, both suffered from a severe lack of feedback.

If I spend 10 minutes or so typing in a detailed description of the problem and then click submit, I would like something more than just being taken back to the previous screen as confirmation that my query has been sent.

Even if it's just a case of a bit of text saying 'Message submitted' that has been crudely Response.Write'd to the top of the previous page, it would be a start.

Coupled with the fact that I also do not receive confirmation by email that my query is being dealt with, this is unacceptable. Is it any wonder that companies are overwhelmed by customers resubmitting duplicate issues??

On the plus side, the feedback I got from both sites was much, much more pleasing than actually having the misfortune of speaking to one of their call centre staff.

On a call to Webfusion, I had the pleasure of dealing with a chap who quite obviously was the only person there and really wanted to be elsewhere. The conversation went a little like this:

"Well, I have had no access to my web site for almost 3 weeks now, can you tell me when the DotNetNuke/SQLServer issue will be resolved?"
"How long is a piece of string?"

Needless to say, I am no longer a Webfusion customer. Although that doesn't stop them from sending me a warning each and every week that the debit card I used to pay for my hosting has expired and they won't be able to automatically renew... Hmmmmm.....


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Clipboard for the Web

I've often thought how good it would be to be able to copy structured data between two web sites; or even copy a VCard from your desktop directly into a web page in order to fill in address details, etc...

Ray Ozzie has blogged about a new idea called Live Clipboard.

Sounds cool!